Rychan of inclusion of indexes of turns
1. Right
2. Turn
3. Lane change
4. Left
5. Turn
6. Lane change |
For change of a lane or at turn the lever can be translated and held in the provision of change of a lane. It will return to neutral situation after it to release.
The lever can be switched completely also at turn performance. It will automatically return to normal situation after completion of turn.
Sometimes the lever does not come back to neutral situation at completion of turn. It occurs when the steering wheel was turned very little. In this case it is necessary to return the lever to neutral situation by a hand.
One of alarm hands on an instrument guard will start to blink, showing that indexes of turns are included.
If any of indicators will start to blink quicker, than usually, possibly, one of lamps of indexes of turns does not work. If the indicator does not light up at inclusion of indexes of turns, means, most likely, fused a safety lock or the alarm lamp is faulty.
Replace fused lamp or a safety lock as soon as possible.